Liquid mushroom cultures
Take your mushroom cultivation to the next level with our premium liquid mushroom cultures. Each 20 ml syringe is packed with freshly grown, active mycelium in a liquid solution—perfect for advanced growers and professionals.
Designed for precision and flexibility, our liquid cultures are ideal for making grain spawn, cloning, and scaling your mushroom production. Each batch is carefully crafted to ensure quality and viability, giving you the best foundation for a thriving grow.
Choose from a wide variety of mushroom species to suit your needs and expertise. Whether you’re perfecting your technique or exploring new strains, our liquid cultures are here to elevate your growing journey.


Flytande mycel
Sprutorna är fyllda med 20 ml flytande mycelkultur.
Det är tillräckligt för att slå ut en hel del spawn.
Det flytande mycelet odlas i vårt eget laboratorium och är garanterat färskt.
Steril nål
Vi skickar med en steril nål med varje vätskekultur.
Du kan återanvända nålen om du flamsteriliserar den tills den är röd och varm.
Vi förser sprutorna med en propp före leverans.
Du behöver inte oroa dig för att din flytande kultur läcker ut under transporten.
Säker förpackning
Sprutorna är förpackade i säkra plastpåsar som möjliggör luftväxling.
Du behöver inte oroa dig för att sprutorna förorenas under transporten.
Steriliserade korn
Du kan använda de flytande kulturerna för att göra din egen spannmålsspad genom att knacka upp steriliserade spannmål.
Det är också möjligt att använda kulturen för att ympa andra substrat eller agarskålar.
See what our customers are saying! With over 500 reviews, here’s why people love our mushroom growing products:
Have Questions?
We Have Answers.
Here are some answers to common questions we get about our liquid mushroom cultures.
What are liquid mushroom cultures?
Liquid mushroom cultures are syringes containing 20 ml of live, actively growing mycelium suspended in a nutrient-rich liquid solution.
They are used by experienced growers to inoculate grain or substrates and are a reliable way to jump-start mushroom cultivation.
How are liquid cultures different from spore syringes or agar plates?
Liquid cultures contain living, actively growing mycelium, making them faster and more reliable for colonization compared to spore syringes.
Agar plates are also used for mycelium growth, but they require more advanced handling and sterile techniques. Liquid cultures offer a convenient balance of precision and ease.
How should I store my liquid cultures to keep them viable?
How you should store the culture depends on the strain itself. Make sure to check the storage instructions on the syringe itself.
In general (works for most species) you should store your liquid culture syringe in the refrigerator at 2–4°C.
Proper storage can extend their viability for up to 6 months. Avoid freezing, as it can damage the mycelium.
What types of mushrooms are available as liquid cultures?
We offer a wide variety of gourmet and specialty mushrooms, including Lion’s Mane, Oyster, Shiitake, and more.
Each culture is carefully crafted for quality and viability, allowing you to choose the perfect strain for your cultivation goals.
How much liquid culture should I use per batch of grain or substrate?
This depends on how much moisture your grain batch/substrate contains and how much of a hurry you are in.
As a rule of thumb 5-10 ml of liquid culture gives per kg of sterilized grains ensure fast and even colonization.
If you are not in a hurry and have your moisture content on point 1–2 ml of liquid culture per 500 gram of grain are enough.
Larger batches may require proportionally more culture to ensure even growth.
Can I use liquid cultures to inoculate substrates directly?
While it’s possible, it’s recommended to first use liquid cultures to create grain spawn.
This intermediate step ensures better distribution of mycelium and reduces the risk of contamination when transferring to bulk substrates.
How can I ensure sterile techniques when using liquid cultures?
Always work in a clean environment. Use an alcohol lamp or lighter to sterilize the syringe needle before injecting, wipe surfaces with isopropyl alcohol, and wear gloves to minimize contamination risks.
If you have access to an laminar flow hood or glove box you should use it.
Where are your liquid cultures made?
Our mushroom liquid are proudly made and shipped from Finland.
By producing each syringe in our own facility, we maintain strict quality control and ensure that every culture is crafted with care.
Our fresh, lab-grown mycelium is handled entirely in-house, so you can trust you’re receiving a top-quality product designed for success.
What is the shelf life of your liquid cultures?
This depends on the culture strain itself. Make sure to check the storage instructions and viability on the syringe itself.
In general (most species) liquid cultures remain viable for up to 6 months. For best results, use them as soon as possible after arrival.
What if I need help or have questions along the way?
We’re here to support you! If you have questions, reach out to our customer service team or scan the QR code on your culture for species-specific guidance.
Ready to take your mushroom growing to the next level?